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Cloudflare Docs

Post-quantum between Cloudflare and origin servers

As explained in About PQC, Cloudflare has deployed support for hybrid key agreements, which includes both the most common key agreement for TLS 1.3, X25519, and the post-quantum secure ML-KEM.

With X25519, the ClientHello almost always fits within one network packet. However, with the addition of ML-KEM, the ClientHello is typically split across two packets.

This poses a question of how the origin servers - as well as other middleboxes (routers, load balancers, etc) - will handle this change in behavior. Although allowed by the TLS 1.3 standard (RFC 8446), a split ClientHello risks not being handled well due to protocol ossification and implementation bugs. Refer to our blog post for details.

ClientHello from Cloudflare

To reduce the risk of any issues when connecting to servers that are not ready for hybrid key agreements, Cloudflare leverages HelloRetryRequest. This means that, instead of sending X25519MLKEM768 immediately as a keyshare 1, Cloudflare will by default only advertise support for it.

If the origin supports post-quantum hybrid key agreement, it can use HelloRetryRequest to request it from Cloudflare.

Set up

Cloudflare zone settings

The method described above is the one Cloudflare uses to support post-quantum to all outbound connections. However, if your origin server supports PQC and prefers it, you can use the API to adjust your Cloudflare zone settings and avoid the extra round trip.

It is also possible to opt out of PQC using the same API endpoint.

Terminal window
curl --request PUT \
"{zone_id}/cache/origin_post_quantum_encryption" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{

The possible values are:

  • supported (most compatible): Advertise support for post-quantum key agreement, but send a classical keyshare in the first ClientHello.
  • preferred (most performant): Send a post-quantum keyshare in the first ClientHello. Cloudflare continues to advertise support for classical keyshares as well.
  • off: Do not send nor advertise support for post-quantum key agreement to the origin.

Origin server

To make sure that your origin server prefers the post-quantum key agreement, use the bssl tool of BoringSSL:

Terminal window
$ bssl client -connect (your server):443 -curves X25519MLKEM768

Verify that the ECDHE curve in the handshake output indicates X25519MLKEM768.


  1. When, to remove a round trip, a client makes a guess of what the server supports.