Create a rule via API
Use the Rulesets API to create HTTP response header modification rules via API. Refer to the Rules examples gallery for common use cases.
When creating an HTTP response header modification rule via API, make sure you:
- Set the rule action to
. - Define the header modification parameters in the
field according to the operation to perform (set, add, or remove header). - Deploy the rule to the
phase at the zone level.
Follow this workflow to create an HTTP response header modification rule for a given zone via API:
Use the List zone rulesets operation to check if there is already a ruleset for the
phase at the zone level. -
If the phase ruleset does not exist, create it using the Create a zone ruleset operation. In the new ruleset properties, set the following values:
- kind:
- phase:
- kind:
Use the Update a zone ruleset operation to add an HTTP response header modification rule to the list of ruleset rules. Alternatively, include the rule in the Create a zone ruleset request mentioned in the previous step.
Make sure your API token has the required permissions to perform the API operations.
Example: Set an HTTP response header to a static value
The following example configures the rules of an existing phase ruleset ({ruleset_id}
) to a single HTTP response header modification rule — setting an HTTP response header to a static value — using the Update a zone ruleset operation. The response will contain the complete definition of the ruleset you updated.
curl --request PUT \{zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id} \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "X-Source": { "operation": "set", "value": "Cloudflare" } } } } ]}'
{ "result": { "id": "<RULESET_ID>", "name": "Zone-level Response Headers Transform Ruleset", "description": "Zone-level ruleset that will execute Response Header Modification Rules.", "kind": "zone", "version": "2", "rules": [ { "id": "<RULE_ID>", "version": "1", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "X-Source": { "operation": "set", "value": "Cloudflare" } } }, "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "ref": "<RULE_REF>" } ], "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "phase": "http_response_headers_transform" }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []}
Example: Set an HTTP response header to a dynamic value
The following example configures the rules of an existing phase ruleset ({ruleset_id}
) to a single HTTP response header modification rule — setting an HTTP response header to a dynamic value — using the Update a zone ruleset operation. The response will contain the complete definition of the ruleset you updated.
curl --request PUT \{zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id} \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "X-Bot-Score": { "operation": "set", "expression": "to_string(cf.bot_management.score)" } } } } ]}'
{ "result": { "id": "<RULESET_ID>", "name": "Zone-level Response Headers Transform Ruleset", "description": "Zone-level ruleset that will execute Response Header Modification Rules.", "kind": "zone", "version": "2", "rules": [ { "id": "<RULE_ID>", "version": "1", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "X-Bot-Score": { "operation": "set", "expression": "to_string(cf.bot_management.score)" } } }, "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "ref": "<RULE_REF>" } ], "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "phase": "http_response_headers_transform" }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []}
Example: Add a set-cookie
HTTP response header with a static value
HTTP response header with a static valueThe following example configures the rules of an existing phase ruleset ({ruleset_id}
) to a single HTTP response header modification rule — adding a set-cookie
HTTP response header with a static value — using the Update a zone ruleset operation. By configuring the rule with the add
operation you will keep any existing set-cookie
headers that may already exist in the response. The response will contain the complete definition of the ruleset you updated.
curl --request PUT \{zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id} \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "set-cookie": { "operation": "add", "value": "mycookie=custom_value" } } } } ]}'
{ "result": { "id": "<RULESET_ID>", "name": "Zone-level Response Headers Transform Ruleset", "description": "Zone-level ruleset that will execute Response Header Modification Rules.", "kind": "zone", "version": "2", "rules": [ { "id": "<RULE_ID>", "version": "1", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "set-cookie": { "operation": "add", "value": "mycookie=custom_value" } } }, "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "ref": "<RULE_REF>" } ], "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "phase": "http_response_headers_transform" }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []}
Example: Remove an HTTP response header
The following example sets the rules of an existing phase ruleset (<RULESET_ID>
) to a single HTTP response header modification rule — removing an HTTP response header — using the Update a zone ruleset operation. The response will contain the complete definition of the ruleset you updated.
curl --request PUT \{zone_id}/rulesets/{ruleset_id} \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "rules": [ { "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "cf-connecting-ip": { "operation": "remove" } } } } ]}'
{ "result": { "id": "<RULESET_ID>", "name": "Zone-level Response Headers Transform Ruleset", "description": "Zone-level ruleset that will execute Response Header Modification Rules.", "kind": "zone", "version": "2", "rules": [ { "id": "<RULE_ID>", "version": "1", "action": "rewrite", "action_parameters": { "headers": { "cf-connecting-ip": { "operation": "remove" } } }, "expression": "(starts_with(http.request.uri.path, \"/en/\"))", "description": "My first HTTP response header modification rule", "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "ref": "<RULE_REF>" } ], "last_updated": "2021-04-14T14:42:04.219025Z", "phase": "http_response_headers_transform" }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []}
The API token used in API requests to manage HTTP response header modification rules must have at least the following permissions:
- Transform Rules > Edit
- Account Rulesets > Read
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