Configure Managed Transforms
Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard ↗, and select your account and website.
Go to Rules > Settings.
In the Managed Transforms tab, enable or disable the desired Managed Transforms by selecting the toggle next to each entry. Some Managed Transforms may not be available in your Cloudflare plan or product subscriptions.
1. Get list of available Managed Transforms
Check the Managed Transform's current status and availability using the List Managed Transforms operation.
The following example request obtains a list of available Managed Transforms, organized by request or response, with information about their current status (enabled
field) and if you can update them, based on conflicts with other enabled Managed Transforms (has_conflict
Each Managed Transform item will optionally contain a conflicts_with
array informing you about any Managed Transforms that will conflict with the current Managed Transform when enabled.
The response will only include available Managed Transforms according to your Cloudflare plan and product subscriptions.
curl{zone_id}/managed_headers \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>"
{ "result": { "managed_request_headers": [ { "id": "add_bot_protection_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_client_certificate_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_visitor_location_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_true_client_ip_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false, "conflicts_with": ["remove_visitor_ip_headers"] }, { "id": "remove_visitor_ip_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false, "conflicts_with": ["add_true_client_ip_headers"] }, { "id": "add_waf_credential_check_status_header", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false } ], "managed_response_headers": [ { "id": "remove_x-powered-by_header", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_security_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false } ] }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []}
2. Change the status of Managed Transforms
Change the status of the desired Managed Transforms using the Update status of Managed Transforms operation.
Add the Managed Transforms you wish to change to the request body, and update their status in the enabled
field. You cannot enable a Managed Transform that has a conflict with a currently enabled Managed Transform (that is, an item where has_conflict
is true
Make sure you include the Managed Transforms you are updating in the correct JSON object (managed_request_headers
or managed_response_headers
curl --request PATCH \{zone_id}/managed_headers \--header "Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>" \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "managed_request_headers": [ { "id": "add_visitor_location_headers", "enabled": true } ], "managed_response_headers": [ { "id": "remove_x-powered-by_header", "enabled": true } ]}'
The response will include all the available Managed Transforms and their new status after the update.
{ "result": { "managed_request_headers": [ { "id": "add_bot_protection_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_client_certificate_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_visitor_location_headers", "enabled": true, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_true_client_ip_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false, "conflicts_with": ["remove_visitor_ip_headers"] }, { "id": "remove_visitor_ip_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false, "conflicts_with": ["add_true_client_ip_headers"] } ], "managed_response_headers": [ { "id": "remove_x-powered-by_header", "enabled": true, "has_conflict": false }, { "id": "add_security_headers", "enabled": false, "has_conflict": false } ] }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": []}
Use the cloudflare_managed_headers
Terraform resource to configure Managed Transforms. For example:
resource "cloudflare_managed_headers" "tf_example" { zone_id = "<ZONE_ID>"
managed_request_headers { id = "add_visitor_location_headers" enabled = true }
managed_response_headers { id = "remove_x-powered-by_header" enabled = true }}
Make sure you include the Managed Transforms you are updating in the correct object (managed_request_headers
or managed_response_headers
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