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Route to a different origin based on origin response

If response to the original request is not 200 OK or a redirect, send to another origin.

export default {
async fetch(request) {
// Send original request to the origin
const response = await fetch(request);
// If response is not 200 OK or a redirect, send to another origin
if (!response.ok && !response.redirected) {
// First, clone the original request to construct a new request
const newRequest = new Request(request);
// Add a header to identify a re-routed request at the new origin
newRequest.headers.set("X-Rerouted", "1");
// Clone the original URL
const url = new URL(request.url);
// Send request to a different origin / hostname
url.hostname = "";
// Serve response to the new request from the origin
return await fetch(url, newRequest);
// If response is 200 OK or a redirect, serve it
return response;