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Configure Snippets using Terraform

You can create Snippets using the Terraform Cloudflare provider.

To get started with Terraform for Cloudflare configuration, refer to Terraform: Get started.

Example configuration

The following example Terraform configuration creates a snippet and an associated snippet rule that defines when the snippet code will run. The snippet code is loaded from the file1.js file in your machine.

resource "cloudflare_snippet" "my_snippet" {
zone_id = "<ZONE_ID>"
name = "my_test_snippet_1"
main_module = "file1.js"
files {
name = "file1.js"
content = file("file1.js")
resource "cloudflare_snippet_rules" "cookie_snippet_rule" {
zone_id = "<ZONE_ID>"
rules {
enabled = true
expression = "http.cookie eq \"a=b\""
description = "Trigger snippet on specific cookie"
snippet_name = "my_test_snippet_1"
depends_on = [cloudflare_snippet.my_snippet]

The name of a snippet can only contain the characters a-z, 0-9, and _ (underscore). The name must be unique in the context of the zone. You cannot change the snippet name after creating the snippet.

All snippet_name values in the cloudflare_snippet_rules resource must match the names of existing snippets.

More resources

Refer to the Terraform Cloudflare provider documentation for more information on the cloudflare_snippet and cloudflare_snippet_rules resources.