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Route /images to an S3 Bucket using Terraform

Route requests with a URI path starting with /images to a specific AWS S3 bucket with Cloud Connector using Terraform.

The following example defines a single Cloud Connector rule for a zone using Terraform. The rule routes requests to /images on your domain to an AWS S3 bucket.

resource "cloudflare_cloud_connector_rules" "serve_images_in_aws" {
zone_id = "<ZONE_ID>"
rules {
description = "Route images to AWS S3 bucket"
enabled = true
expression = "http.request.full_uri wildcard \"https://<YOUR_HOSTNAME>/images/*\""
provider = "aws_s3"
parameters {
host = "<BUCKET_NAME>"

Additional resources

For additional guidance on using Terraform with Cloudflare, refer to the following resources: