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Configure Queues

Cloudflare Queues can be configured using Wrangler, the command-line interface for Cloudflare's Developer Platform, which includes Workers, R2, and other developer products.

Each Producer and Consumer Worker has a Wrangler configuration file that specifies environment variables, triggers, and resources, such as a queue. To enable Worker-to-resource communication, you must set up a binding in your Worker project's Wrangler file.

Use the options below to configure your queue.

Queue configuration

The following queue level settings can be configured using Wrangler:

Terminal window
$ npx run wrangler queues update <QUEUE-NAME> --delivery-delay-secs 60 --message-retention-period-secs 3000
  • --delivery-delay-secs number optional

    • How long a published message is delayed for, before it is delivered to consumers.
    • Must be between 0 and 43200 (12 hours).
    • Defaults to 0.
  • --message-retention-period-secs number optional

    • How long messages are retained on the Queue.
    • Defaults to 345600 (4 days).
    • Must be between 60 and 1209600 (14 days)

Producer Worker configuration

A producer is a Cloudflare Worker that writes to one or more queues. A producer can accept messages over HTTP, asynchronously write messages when handling requests, and/or write to a queue from within a Durable Object. Any Worker can write to a queue.

To produce to a queue, set up a binding in your Wrangler file. These options should be used when a Worker wants to send messages to a queue.

"queues": {
"producers": [
"queue": "my-queue",
"binding": "MY_QUEUE"
  • queue string
    • The name of the queue.
  • binding string
    • The name of the binding, which is a JavaScript variable.

Consumer Worker Configuration

To consume messages from one or more queues, set up a binding in your Wrangler file. These options should be used when a Worker wants to receive messages from a queue.

"queues": {
"consumers": [
"queue": "my-queue",
"max_batch_size": 10,
"max_batch_timeout": 30,
"max_retries": 10,
"dead_letter_queue": "my-queue-dlq"

Refer to Limits to review the maximum values for each of these options.

  • queue string
    • The name of the queue.
  • max_batch_size number optional
    • The maximum number of messages allowed in each batch.
    • Defaults to 10 messages.
  • max_batch_timeout number optional
    • The maximum number of seconds to wait until a batch is full.
    • Defaults to 5 seconds.
  • max_retries number optional
    • The maximum number of retries for a message, if it fails or retryAll() is invoked.
    • Defaults to 3 retries.
  • dead_letter_queue string optional
    • The name of another queue to send a message if it fails processing at least max_retries times.
    • If a dead_letter_queue is not defined, messages that repeatedly fail processing will eventually be discarded.
    • If there is no queue with the specified name, it will be created automatically.
  • max_concurrency number optional
    • The maximum number of concurrent consumers allowed to run at once. Leaving this unset will mean that the number of invocations will scale to the currently supported maximum.
    • Refer to Consumer concurrency for more information on how consumers autoscale, particularly when messages are retried.


A queue can have a HTTP-based consumer that pulls from the queue. This consumer can be any HTTP-speaking service that can communicate over the Internet. Review Pull consumers to learn how to configure a pull-based consumer.