Gateway DNS
The descriptions below detail the fields available for gateway_dns
Type: string
Cloudflare account ID.
Type: int
ID of the application the domain belongs to (for example, 1, 2). Set to 0 when no ApplicationID is matched.
Type: string
Name of the application the domain belongs to (for example, 'Cloudflare Dashboard').
Type: array[string]
The IPs of the authoritative nameservers that provided the answers, if any (for example ['', '']).
Type: array[int]
ID or IDs of category that the intermediate cname domains belongs to (for example, [7,12,28,122,129,163]).
Type: array[string]
Name or names of category that the intermediate cname domains belongs to (for example, ['Photography', 'Weather']).
Type: array[string]
Resolved intermediate cname domains (for example, ['']).
Type: array[string]
Resolved intermediate cname domains in reverse (for example, ['com.example.alias']).
Type: string
The name of the data center that received the DNS query (for example, 'SJC', 'MIA', 'IAD').
Type: int
The ID of the data center that received the DNS query (for example, 46, 72, 397).
Type: int
The time it took for the custom resolver to respond.
Type: string
IP and port combo used to resolve the custom dns resolver query, if any.
Type: string
Custom resolver policy UUID, if matched. Deprecated by ResolverPolicyID.
Type: string
Custom resolver policy name, if matched. Deprecated by ResolverPolicyName.
Type: string
Status of the custom resolver response.
Type: int or string
The date and time the corresponding DNS request was made (for example, '2021-07-27T00:01:07Z').
Type: string
UUID of the device where the HTTP request originated from (for example, 'dad71818-0429-11ec-a0dc-000000000000').
Type: string
The name of the device where the HTTP request originated from (for example, 'Laptop MB810').
Type: string
The destination DoH subdomain the DNS query was made to.
Type: string
The destination DoT subdomain the DNS query was made to.
Type: string
The destination IP address the DNS query was made to (for example, '').
Type: int
The destination port used at the edge. The port changes based on the protocol used by the DNS query (for example, 0).
Type: array[int]
List of returned Extended DNS Error Codes (for example, [2, 3]).
Type: string
Email used to authenticate the client (for example, '').
Type: array[int]
ID or IDs of category that the queried domains belongs to (for example, [7,12,28,122,129,163]).
Type: array[string]
Name or names of category that the queried domains belongs to (for example, ['Photography', 'Weather']).
Type: string
The fallback strategy applied over the internal DNS response. Empty if no fallback strategy was applied.
Type: int
The return code sent back by the internal DNS service.
Type: string
The DNS internal view identifier that was sent to the internal DNS service.
Type: string
The DNS zone identifier returned by the internal DNS service.
Type: bool
Response comes from cache or not.
Type: string
Name of the location the DNS request is coming from. Location is created by the customer (for example, 'Office NYC').
Type: string
UUID of the location the DNS request is coming from. Location is created by the customer (for example, '7bdc7a9c-81d3-4816-8e56-000000000000').
Type: array[int]
ID or IDs of category that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, [7,12,28,122,129,163]).
Type: array[string]
Name or names of category that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, ['Photography', 'Weather']).
Type: array[int]
ID or IDs of indicator feed(s) that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, [7,12]).
Type: array[string]
Name or names of indicator feed(s) that the domain was matched with the policy (for example, ['Vendor Malware Feed', 'Vendor CoC Feed']).
Type: string
Name of the policy that was applied (if any) (for example, '7bdc7a9c-81d3-4816-8e56-de1acad3dec5').
Type: string
ID of the policy/rule that was applied (if any).
Type: string
Name of the policy that was applied (if any).
Type: string
The protocol used for the DNS query by the client (for example, 'udp').
Type: array[int]
Union of all categories; Initial categories + Resolved IP categories + Cname intermediate categories
Type: array[string]
Union of all category names; Initial categories + Resolved IP categories + Cname intermediate categories
Type: string
Globally unique identifier of the query.
Type: array[int]
ID or IDs of indicator feed(s) that the domain belongs to (for example, [7,12,28]).
Type: array[string]
Name or names of indicator feed(s) that the domain belongs to (for example, ['Vendor Malware Feed', 'Vendor CoC Feed', 'Vendor Phishing Feed']).
Type: string
The query name (for example, ''). Cloudflare will surface '.' for root server queries in your logs.
Type: string
Query name in reverse (for example, 'com.example'). Cloudflare will surface '.' for root server queries in your logs.
Type: int
The size of the DNS request in bytes (for example, 151).
Type: int
The type of DNS query (for example, 1, 28, 15, or 16).
Type: string
The type of DNS query (for example, 'A', 'AAAA', 'MX', or 'TXT').
Type: int
The return code sent back by the DNS resolver.
Type: array[object]
The rdata objects (for example, [{"type":"5","data":"dns-packet-placeholder..."}]).
Type: array[int]
ID or IDs of category that the ips in the response belongs to (for example, [7,12,28,122,129,163]).
Type: array[string]
Name or names of category that the ips in the response belongs to (for example, ['Photography', 'Weather']).
Type: array[string]
Continent code of each resolved IP, if any (for example ['NA', 'EU']).
Type: array[string]
Country code of each resolved IP, if any (for example ['US', 'PT']).
Type: array[string]
The resolved IPs in the response, if any (for example ['', '']).
Type: string
Result of the DNS query (for example, 'overrideForSafeSearch').
Type: string
Resolver policy UUID, if any matched.
Type: string
Resolver policy name, if any matched.
Type: array[object]
The rdata objects (for example, [{"type":"5","data":"dns-packet-placeholder..."}]).
Type: string
String that represents the JSON array with the returned resource records (for example, '[{"name": "", "type": "CNAME", "class": "IN", "ttl": 3600, "rdata": ""}]').
Type: string
The source IP address making the DNS query (for example, '').
Type: string
Continent code of the source IP address making the DNS query (for example, 'NA').
Type: string
Country code of the source IP address making the DNS query (for example, 'US').
Type: int
The port used by the client when they sent the DNS request (for example, 0).
Type: string
Time zone used to calculate the current time, if a matched rule was scheduled with it.
Type: string
Method used to pick the time zone for the schedule (from rule/ from user ip/ from local time).
Type: string
User identity where the HTTP request originated from (for example, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').
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