Recommended HTTP policies
We recommend you add the following HTTP policies to build an Internet and SaaS app security strategy for your organization.
Bypass HTTP inspection for applications that use embedded certificates. This will help avoid any certificate pinning errors that may arise from an initial rollout.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Application | in | Do Not Inspect | Do Not Inspect |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "All-HTTP-Application-InspectBypass", "description": "Bypass HTTP inspection for applications that use embedded certificates", "precedence": 0, "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(app.type.ids[*] in {16})"}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "all_http_application_inspect_bypass" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-HTTP-Application-InspectBypass" description = "Bypass HTTP inspection for applications that use embedded certificates" precedence = 0 enabled = true action = "block" filters = ["http"] traffic = "any(app.type.ids[*] in {16})"}
Bypass HTTPS inspection for Android applications (such as Google Drive) that use certificate pinning, which is incompatible with Gateway inspection.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Application | in | Google Drive | And | Do Not Inspect |
Passed Device Posture Checks | in | OS Version Android (OS version) |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Android-HTTP-Application-InspectionBypass", "description": "Bypass HTTPS inspection for Android applications with certificate pinning", "precedence": 10, "enabled": true, "action": "off", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(app.ids[*] in {554})", "device_posture": "any(device_posture.checks.passed[*] in {\"<ANDROID_VERSION_POSTURE_CHECK_UUID>\"})"}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "android_http_application_inspection_bypass" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "Android-HTTP-Application-InspectionBypass" description = "Bypass HTTPS inspection for Android applications with certificate pinning" precedence = 10 enabled = true action = "off" filters = ["http"] traffic = "any(app.ids[*] in {554})" device_posture = "any(device_posture.checks.passed[*] in {\"${"$"}{}\"})"}
Bypass HTTP inspection for a custom list of domains identified as incompatible with TLS inspection.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Domain | in list | DomainInspectionBypass | Or | Do Not Inspect |
Domain | in list | Known Domains |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "All-HTTP-Domain-Inspection-Bypass", "description": "Bypass HTTP inspection for a custom list of domains identified as incompatible with TLS inspection", "precedence": 20, "enabled": true, "action": "off", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any([*] in $<DOMAIN_INSPECTION_BYPASS_LIST_UUID>) or any([*] in $<KNOWN_DOMAINS_LIST_UUID>)"}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "android_http_application_inspection_bypass" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-HTTP-Domain-Inspection-Bypass" description = "Bypass HTTP inspection for a custom list of domains identified as incompatible with TLS inspection" precedence = 20 enabled = true action = "off" filters = ["http"] traffic = "any([*] in ${"$"}{}) or any([*] in ${"$"}{})"}
Block security categories, such as Command and Control & Botnet and Malware, based on Cloudflare's threat intelligence.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Security Categories | in | All security risks | Block |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "All-HTTP-SecurityRisks-Blocklist", "description": "Block security categories based on Cloudflare's threat intelligence", "precedence": 30, "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(http.request.uri.security_category[*] in {68 178 80 83 176 175 117 131 134 151 153})"}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "all_http_security_risks_blocklist" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-HTTP-SecurityRisks-Blocklist" description = "Block security categories based on Cloudflare's threat intelligence" precedence = 30 enabled = true action = "block" filters = ["http"] traffic = "any(http.request.uri.security_category[*] in {68 178 80 83 176 175 117 131 134 151 153})"}
Entries in the security risk content subcategory, such as New Domains, do not always pose a security threat. We recommend you first create an Allow policy to track policy matching and identify any false positives. You can add false positives to your Trusted Domains list used in All-HTTP-Domain-Allowlist.
After your test is complete, we recommend you change the action to Block to minimize risk to your organization.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Content Categories | in | Questionable Content, Security Risks, Miscellaneous, Adult Themes, Gambling | Block |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "All-HTTP-ContentCategories-Blocklist", "description": "Block access to questionable content and potential security risks", "precedence": 40, "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(http.request.uri.content_category[*] in {17 85 87 102 157 135 138 180 162 32 169 177 128 15 115 119 124 141 161 2 67 125 133 99})", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "block_unauthorized_apps" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-HTTP-ContentCategories-Blocklist" description = "Block access to questionable content and potential security risks" precedence = 40 enabled = true action = "block" filters = ["dns"] traffic = "any(http.request.uri.content_category[*] in {17 85 87 102 157 135 138 180 162 32 169 177 128 15 115 119 124 141 161 2 67 125 133 99})"" identity = "" device_posture = ""}
Block specific domains or hosts that are malicious or pose a threat to your organization. Like All-HTTP-ResolvedIP-Blocklist, this blocklist can be updated manually or via API automation.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Domain | in list | Domain Blocklist | Or | Block |
Host | in list | Host Blocklist | Or | |
Host | matches regex | .*example\.com |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "All-HTTP-DomainHost-Blocklist", "description": "Block specific domains or hosts that are malicious or pose a threat to your organization", "precedence": 50, "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any([*] in $<DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST_UUID>) or in $<HOST_BLOCKLIST_UUID> or matches \".*example\\.com\""}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "all_http_domainhost_blocklist" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-HTTP-DomainHost-Blocklist" description = "Block specific domains or hosts that are malicious or pose a threat to your organization" precedence = 50 enabled = true action = "block" filters = ["http"] traffic = "any([*] in ${"$"}{}) or in ${"$"}{} or matches \".*example\\.com\""}
Block unauthorized applications to limit your users' access to certain web-based tools and minimize the risk of shadow IT. For example, the following policy blocks known AI tools:
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Application | in | Artificial Intelligence | Block |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "All-HTTP-Application-Blocklist", "description": "Limit access to shadow IT by blocking web-based tools and applications", "precedence": 60, "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(app.type.ids[*] in {25})", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "all_http_application_blocklist" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-HTTP-Application-Blocklist" description = "Limit access to shadow IT by blocking web-based tools and applications" precedence = 60 enabled = true action = "block" filters = ["http"] traffic = "any(app.type.ids[*] in {25})" identity = "" device_posture = ""}
Isolate traffic for privileged users who regularly access critical systems or execute actions such as threat analysis and malware testing.
Security teams often need to perform threat analysis or malware testing that could trigger malware detection. Likewise, privileged users could be the target of attackers trying to gain access to critical systems.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
User Group Names | in | Privileged Users | Isolate |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "PrivilegedUsers-HTTP-Any-Isolate", "description": "Isolate traffic for privileged users who regularly access critical or testing systems", "precedence": 70, "enabled": true, "action": "isolate", "filters": [ "http" ], "identity": "any([*] in {\"Privileged Users\"})"}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "privileged_users_http_any_isolate" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "PrivilegedUsers-HTTP-Any-Isolate" description = "Isolate traffic for privileged users who regularly access critical or testing systems" precedence = 70 enabled = true action = "isolate" filters = ["http"] identity = "any([*] in {\"Privileged Users\"})"}
Restrict access for users included in an identity provider (IdP) user group for risky users. This policy ensures your security team can restrict traffic for users of whom malicious or suspicious activity was detected.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Destination IP | not in list | Quarantined-Users-IPAllowlist | And | Block |
User Group Names | in | Quarantined Users |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Quarantined-Users-HTTP-Restricted-Access", "description": "Restrict access for users included in an identity provider (IdP) user group for risky users", "precedence": 80, "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "not(any(http.conn.dst_ip[*] in $<QUARANTINED_USERS_IP_ALLOWLIST_UUID>))", "identity": "any([*] in {\"Quarantined Users\"})"}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "quarantined_users_http_restricted_access" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "Quarantined-Users-HTTP-Restricted-Access" description = "Restrict access for users included in an identity provider (IdP) user group for risky users" precedence = 80 enabled = true action = "block" filters = ["http"] traffic = "not(any(http.conn.dst_ip[*] in ${"$"}{}))" identity = "any([*] in {\"Quarantined Users\"})"}
Isolate high risk domains or create a custom list of known risky domains to avoid data exfiltration or malware infection. Ideally, your incident response teams can update the blocklist with an API automation to provide real-time threat protection.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Content Categories | in | New Domains, Newly Seen Domains | Or | Isolate |
Domain | in list | Domain Isolation |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "All-HTTP-Domain-Isolate", "description": "Isolate high risk domains or create a custom list of known risky domains to avoid data exfiltration or malware infection", "precedence": 90, "enabled": true, "action": "isolate", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(http.request.uri.content_category[*] in {169 177}) or any([*] in $<DOMAIN_ISOLATE_LIST_UUID>)"}'
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "all_http_domain_isolate" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-HTTP-Domain-Isolate" description = "Isolate high risk domains or create a custom list of known risky domains to avoid data exfiltration or malware infection" precedence = 90 enabled = true action = "isolate" filters = ["http"] traffic = "any(http.request.uri.content_category[*] in {169 177}) or any([*] in ${"$"}{})"}
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