Default improvements
Cloudflare provides a variety of speed improvements by default.
When your site is using Cloudflare, your site always benefits from Cloudflare's lightning-fast DNS resolution ↗.
When your DNS records are proxied through Cloudflare, Cloudflare caches certain types of resources automatically (which improves application performance).
How does caching improve performance?
Caching is the process of storing copies of files in a cache, or temporary storage location, so that they can be accessed more quickly.
When Cloudflare stores content in its cache, the request never needs to go to your application or origin server, which reduces the number of requests and gets content to the user more quickly.
flowchart TD; User-->|Sends Request|Cloudflare; Cloudflare-->B>Has cached content?]; B-->|Yes - Requested content|User; B-->|No|Origin; Origin-->|Requested content|User;
For more details, refer to the Cloudflare Learning Center ↗.
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