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Cloudflare Workers KV
Create a global, low-latency, key-value data storage.
Workers KV is a data storage that allows you to store and retrieve data globally. With Workers KV, you can build dynamic and performant APIs and websites that support high read volumes with low latency.
Key-value storage
Learn how Workers KV stores and retrieves data.
Bindings allow your Workers to interact with resources on the Cloudflare developer platform, including R2, Durable Objects, and D1.
Related products
Cloudflare R2 Storage allows developers to store large amounts of unstructured data without the costly egress bandwidth fees associated with typical cloud storage services.
Cloudflare Durable Objects allows developers to access scalable compute and permanent, consistent storage.
Built on SQLite, D1 is Cloudflare’s first queryable relational database. Create an entire database by importing data or defining your tables and writing your queries within a Worker or through the API.