Metrics and analytics
Hyperdrive exposes analytics that allow you to inspect query volume, query latency and cache ratios size across all and/or each Hyperdrive configuration in your account.
Hyperdrive currently exports the below metrics as part of the hyperdriveQueriesAdaptiveGroups
GraphQL dataset:
Metric | GraphQL Field Name | Description |
Queries | count | The number of queries issued against your Hyperdrive in the given time period. |
Cache Status | cacheStatus | Whether the query was cached or not. Can be one of disabled , hit , miss , uncacheable , multiplestatements , notaquery , oversizedquery , oversizedresult , parseerror , transaction , and volatile . |
Query Bytes | queryBytes | The size of your queries, in bytes. |
Result Bytes | resultBytes | The size of your query results, in bytes. |
Connection Latency | connectionLatency | The time (in milliseconds) required to establish new connections from Hyperdrive to your database, as measured from your Hyperdrive connection pool(s). |
Query Latency | queryLatency | The time (in milliseconds) required to query (and receive results) from your database, as measured from your Hyperdrive connection pool(s). |
Event Status | eventStatus | Whether a query responded successfully (complete ) or failed (error ). |
Metrics can be queried (and are retained) for the past 31 days.
Per-database analytics for Hyperdrive are available in the Cloudflare dashboard. To view current and historical metrics for a Hyperdrive configuration:
- Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard ↗ and select your account.
- Go to Workers & Pages > Hyperdrive ↗.
- Select an existing Hyperdrive configuration.
- Select the Metrics tab.
You can optionally select a time window to query. This defaults to the last 24 hours.
You can programmatically query analytics for your Hyperdrive configurations via the GraphQL Analytics API. This API queries the same datasets as the Cloudflare dashboard, and supports GraphQL introspection.
Hyperdrives's GraphQL datasets require an accountTag
filter with your Cloudflare account ID. Hyperdrive exposes the hyperdriveQueriesAdaptiveGroups
Examples of how to explore your Hyperdrive metrics.
query HyperdriveQueries($accountTag: string!, $configId: string!, $datetimeStart: Time!, $datetimeEnd: Time!) { viewer { accounts(filter: {accountTag: $accountTag}) { hyperdriveQueriesAdaptiveGroups( limit: 10000 filter: { configId: $configId datetime_geq: $datetimeStart datetime_leq: $datetimeEnd } ) { count dimensions { cacheStatus } } } }}
Get the average query and connection latency for queries handled via your Hyperdrive config within a range of time, excluding queries that failed due to an error
query AverageHyperdriveLatencies($accountTag: string!, $configId: string!, $datetimeStart: Time!, $datetimeEnd: Time!) { viewer { accounts(filter: {accountTag: $accountTag}) { hyperdriveQueriesAdaptiveGroups( limit: 10000 filter: { configId: $configId eventStatus: "complete" datetime_geq: $datetimeStart datetime_leq: $datetimeEnd } ) { avg { connectionLatency queryLatency } } } }}
query HyperdriveQueryAndResultBytesForSuccessfulQueries($accountTag: string!, $configId: string!, $datetimeStart: Date!, $datetimeEnd: Date!) { viewer { accounts(filter: {accountTag: $accountTag}) { hyperdriveQueriesAdaptiveGroups( limit: 10000 filter: { configId: $configId datetime_geq: $datetimeStart datetime_leq: $datetimeEnd } ) { sum { queryBytes resultBytes } } } }}
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