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Find BCC address and add domain

To set up Email Security (formerly Area 1) for Gmail:

  1. Log in to the Email Security (formerly Area 1) dashboard.
  2. Select the question mark, where you will be able to find your BCC address.
  3. Once you found your address, select Settings (the gear icon), then select New Domain.
  4. Fill in the information needed to add your domain:
  • Domain: Enter the domain you want to set up BCC from Google.
  • Configured As: Select Hops, enter 2.
  • Forwarding To: Enter
  • Outbound TLS: Select Forward all messages over TLS.
  • Quarantine policy: Ensure no policy is selected.
  1. Select Publish Domain.

Next steps

Now that you have found your BCC address and added your domain, continue with Add BCC rules to add BCC rules to Email Security.