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Removal of unused DNS record meta fields

Cloudflare is removing five fields from the meta object of DNS records. These fields have been unused for more than a year and are no longer set on new records. This change may take up to four weeks to fully roll out. The affected fields are:

  • the auto_added boolean
  • the managed_by_apps boolean and corresponding apps_install_id
  • the managed_by_argo_tunnel boolean and corresponding argo_tunnel_id


Zone IDs and names on individual DNS records

Records returned by the API will no longer contain the zone_id and zone_name fields. This change may take up to four weeks to fully roll out. The affected fields were deprecated with an End of Life (EOL) date of November 30, 2024.


Quote validation for TXT records added via dashboard

When creating TXT records via the dashboard you will now find:

  • Field validation errors if double quotes " are added inconsistently.
  • Automatically quoted TXT content upon save if no quotes exist in the record content field.


API support for per-record CNAME flattening

Paid zones now have the option to flatten specific CNAME records. When using the API, specify the setting cname_flatten as true or false. Refer to the documentation for details.