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Wrangler commands

D1 Wrangler commands use REST APIs to interact with the control plane. This page lists the Wrangler commands for D1.


Creates a new D1 database, and provides the binding and UUID that you will put in your Wrangler file.

wrangler d1 create <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the new D1 database.
  • --location string optional
    • Provide an optional location hint for your database leader.
    • Available options include weur (Western Europe), eeur (Eastern Europe), apac (Asia Pacific), oc (Oceania), wnam (Western North America), and enam (Eastern North America).


Get information about a D1 database, including the current database size and state.

wrangler d1 info <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to get information about.
  • --json boolean optional
    • Return output as JSON rather than a table.


List all D1 databases in your account.

wrangler d1 list [OPTIONS]
  • --json boolean optional
    • Return output as JSON rather than a table.


Delete a D1 database.

wrangler d1 delete <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to delete.
  • -y, --skip-confirmation boolean optional
    • Skip deletion confirmation prompt.


Execute a query on a D1 database.

wrangler d1 execute <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to execute a query on.
  • --command string optional
    • The SQL query you wish to execute.
  • --file string optional
    • Path to the SQL file you wish to execute.
  • -y, --yes boolean optional
    • Answer yes to any prompts.
  • --local boolean (default: true) optional
    • Execute commands/files against a local database for use with wrangler dev.
  • --remote boolean (default: false) optional
  • --persist-to string optional
    • Specify directory to use for local persistence (for use in combination with --local).
  • --json boolean optional
    • Return output as JSON rather than a table.
  • --preview boolean optional
  • --batch-size number optional
    • Number of queries to send in a single batch.


Export a D1 database or table's schema and/or content to a .sql file.

wrangler d1 export <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to export.
  • --local boolean (default: true) optional
  • --remote boolean (default: false) optional
  • --output string required
    • Path to the SQL file for your export.
  • --table string optional
    • The name of the table within a D1 database to export.
  • --no-data boolean (default: false) optional
    • Controls whether export SQL file contains database data. Note that --no-data=true is not recommended due to a known wrangler limitation that intreprets the value as false.
  • --no-schema boolean (default: false) optional
    • Controls whether export SQL file contains database schema. Note that --no-schema=true is not recommended due to a known wrangler limitation that intreprets the value as false.

time-travel restore

Restore a database to a specific point-in-time using Time Travel.

wrangler d1 time-travel restore <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to execute a query on.
  • --bookmark string optional
    • A D1 bookmark representing the state of a database at a specific point in time.
  • --timestamp string optional
    • A UNIX timestamp or JavaScript date-time string within the last 30 days.
  • --json boolean optional
    • Return output as JSON rather than a table.

time-travel info

Inspect the current state of a database for a specific point-in-time using Time Travel.

wrangler d1 time-travel info <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to execute a query on.
  • --timestamp string optional
    • A UNIX timestamp or JavaScript date-time string within the last 30 days.
  • --json bboolean optional
    • Return output as JSON rather than a table.

backup create

Initiate a D1 backup.

wrangler d1 backup create <DATABASE_NAME>
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to backup.

backup list

List all available backups.

wrangler d1 backup list <DATABASE_NAME>
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to list the backups of.

backup restore

Restore a backup into a D1 database.

wrangler d1 backup restore <DATABASE_NAME> <BACKUP_ID>
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database to restore the backup into.
  • BACKUP_ID string required
    • The ID of the backup you wish to restore.

backup download

Download existing data to your local machine.

wrangler d1 backup download <DATABASE_NAME> <BACKUP_ID>
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database you wish to download the backup of.
  • BACKUP_ID string required
    • The ID of the backup you wish to download.
  • --output string optional
    • The .sqlite3 file to write to (defaults to '<DB_NAME>.<SHORT_BACKUP_ID>.sqlite3').

migrations create

Create a new migration.

This will generate a new versioned file inside the migrations folder. Name your migration file as a description of your change. This will make it easier for you to find your migration in the migrations folder. An example filename looks like:


The filename will include a version number and the migration name you specify below.

wrangler d1 migrations create <DATABASE_NAME> <MIGRATION_NAME>
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database you wish to create a migration for.
  • MIGRATION_NAME string required
    • A descriptive name for the migration you wish to create.

migrations list

View a list of unapplied migration files.

wrangler d1 migrations list <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database you wish to list unapplied migrations for.
  • --local boolean optional
    • Show the list of unapplied migration files on your locally persisted D1 database.
  • --remote boolean (default: false) optional
    • Show the list of unapplied migration files on your remote D1 database.
  • --persist-to string optional
    • Specify directory to use for local persistence (for use in combination with --local).
  • --preview boolean optional
    • Show the list of unapplied migration files on your preview D1 database (as defined by preview_database_id in the Wrangler configuration file).

migrations apply

Apply any unapplied migrations.

This command will prompt you to confirm the migrations you are about to apply. Confirm that you would like to proceed. After, a backup will be captured.

The progress of each migration will be printed in the console.

When running the apply command in a CI/CD environment or another non-interactive command line, the confirmation step will be skipped, but the backup will still be captured.

If applying a migration results in an error, this migration will be rolled back, and the previous successful migration will remain applied.

wrangler d1 migrations apply <DATABASE_NAME> [OPTIONS]
  • DATABASE_NAME string required
    • The name of the D1 database you wish to apply your migrations on.
  • --env string optional
    • Specify which environment configuration to use for D1 binding
  • --local boolean (default: true) optional
    • Execute any unapplied migrations on your locally persisted D1 database.
  • --remote boolean (default: false) optional
    • Execute any unapplied migrations on your remote D1 database.
  • --persist-to string optional
    • Specify directory to use for local persistence (for use in combination with --local).
  • --preview boolean optional
  • --batch-size number optional
    • Number of queries to send in a single batch.

Global commands

The following global flags work on every command:

  • --help boolean
    • Show help.
  • --config string (not supported by Pages)
  • --cwd string
    • Run as if Wrangler was started in the specified directory instead of the current working directory.

Experimental commands


Returns statistics about your queries.

Terminal window
npx wrangler d1 insights <database_name> --<option>

For more information, see Query insights.