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Query D1 from Hono

Query D1 from the Hono web framework

Hono is a fast web framework for building API-first applications, and it includes first-class support for both Workers and Pages.

When using Workers:

If you are using Pages Functions:

  1. Bind a D1 database to your Pages Function.
  2. Pass the --d1 BINDING_NAME=DATABASE_ID flag to wrangler dev when developing locally. BINDING_NAME should match what call in your code, and DATABASE_ID should match the database_id defined in your Wrangler configuration file: for example, --d1 DB=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.
  3. Refer to the Hono guide for Cloudflare Pages.

The following examples show how to access a D1 database bound to DB from both a Workers script and a Pages Function:

import { Hono } from "hono";
// This ensures c.env.DB is correctly typed
type Bindings = {
DB: D1Database;
const app = new Hono<{ Bindings: Bindings }>();
// Accessing D1 is via the c.env.YOUR_BINDING property
app.get("/query/users/:id", async (c) => {
const userId = c.req.param("id");
try {
let { results } = await c.env.DB.prepare(
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?",
return c.json(results);
} catch (e) {
return c.json({ err: e.message }, 500);
// Export our Hono app: Hono automatically exports a
// Workers 'fetch' handler for you
export default app;