Common policies
The following policies are commonly used to secure network traffic.
Refer to the network policies page for a comprehensive list of other selectors, operators, and actions.
To minimize the risk of shadow IT, some organizations choose to limit their users' access to certain web-based tools and applications. For example, the following policy blocks known AI tools:
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Application | in | Artificial Intelligence | Block |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Block unauthorized applications", "description": "Block access to unauthorized AI applications", "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "any(app.type.ids[*] in {25})", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Configure access on a per user or group basis by adding identity-based conditions to your policies.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Application | in | Salesforce | And | Block |
User Group Names | in | Contractors |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Check user identity", "description": "Block access to Salesforce by temporary employees and contractors", "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "any(app.ids[*] in {606})", "identity": "any([*] in {\"Contractors\"})", "device_posture": ""}'
Require devices to have certain software installed or other configuration attributes. For instructions on enabling a device posture check, refer to the device posture section. For example, you can use a list of device serial numbers to ensure users can only access an application if they connect with the WARP client from a company device:
In the following example, you can use a list of device serial numbers to ensure users can only access an application if they connect with the WARP client from a company device:
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
SNI Domain | is | | And | Block |
Passed Device Posture Checks | not in | Device serial numbers |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rules \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \ --data '{ "name": "All-NET-ApplicationAccess-Allow", "description": "Ensure access to the application comes from authorized WARP clients", "precedence": 70, "enabled": false, "action": "block", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "any([*] == \"\")", "device_posture": "not(any(device_posture.checks.passed[*] in {\"<DEVICE_SERIAL_NUMBERS_LIST_UUID>\"}))"}'
To get the UUIDs of your device posture checks, use the List device posture rules endpoint.
resource "cloudflare_zero_trust_gateway_policy" "all_net_applicationaccess_allow" { account_id = var.cloudflare_account_id name = "All-NET-ApplicationAccess-Allow" description = "Ensure access to the application comes from authorized WARP clients" precedence = 70 enabled = false action = "block" filters = ["l4"] traffic = "any([*] == \"\")" posture = "not(any(device_posture.checks.passed[*] in {\"${"$"}${}\"}))"}
To require users to re-authenticate after a certain amount of time has elapsed, configure WARP sessions.
Restrict user access to only the specific sites or applications configured in your HTTP policies.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Detected Protocol | is | TLS | And | Allow |
Destination Port | in | 80 , 443 |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Allow HTTP and HTTPS traffic", "description": "Restrict traffic to HTTP and HTTPS traffic", "enabled": true, "action": "allow", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "net.detected_protocol == \"tls\" and net.dst.port in {80 443}", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Protocol | in | TCP, UDP | Block |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Block all other traffic", "description": "Block all other traffic that is not HTTP or HTTPS", "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "net.protocol in {\"tcp\" \"udp\"}", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Restrict access to resources which you have connected through Cloudflare Tunnel.
The following example consists of two policies: the first allows specific users to reach your application, and the second blocks all other traffic.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Destination IP | in | | And | Allow |
User Email | matches regex | .* |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Allow company employees", "description": "Allow any users with an organization email to reach the application", "enabled": true, "action": "allow", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "net.dst.ip in {}", "identity": " matches \".*\"", "device_posture": ""}'
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Destination IP | in | | Block |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Block everyone else", "description": "Block any other users from accessing the application", "enabled": true, "action": "block", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "net.dst.ip in {}", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Override traffic directed toward a specific IP address with a different IP address.
Selector | Operator | Value | Logic | Action |
Destination IP | in | | And | Network Override |
Destination Port | is | 80 |
Override IP | Override Port |
---|---| | 80 |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Override with", "description": "Override a site'\''s IP address with another IP", "enabled": true, "action": "l4_override", "filters": [ "l4" ], "traffic": "net.dst.ip in {} and net.dst.port == 80", "identity": "", "device_posture": "", "rule_settings": { "l4override": { "ip": "", "port": 80 }, "override_host": "", "override_ips": null }}'
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