Isolation policies
With Browser Isolation, you can define policies to dynamically isolate websites based on identity, security threats, or content.
When an HTTP policy applies the Isolate action, the user's web browser is transparently served an HTML compatible remote browser client. Isolation policies can be applied to requests that include Accept: text/html*
. This allows Browser Isolation policies to co-exist with API traffic.
The following example enables isolation for all web traffic:
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Host | matches regex | .* | Isolate |
If instead you need to isolate specific pages, you can list the domains for which you would like to isolate traffic:
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Domain | In | , | Isolate |
You can choose to disable isolation for certain destinations or categories. The following configuration disables isolation for traffic directed to
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Host | In | | Do Not Isolate |
The following optional settings appear in the Gateway HTTP policy builder when you select the Isolate action. Configure these settings to prevent data loss ↗ when users interact with untrusted websites in the remote browser.
flowchart LR subgraph remotebrowser[Remote browser] siteA["Isolated website"]--Data-->remoteclip["Remote clipboard"] end subgraph client[Client] localclip["Local clipboard"] end remoteclip-->localclip
- Allow: (Default) Users can copy content from an isolated website to their local clipboard.
- Allow only within isolated browser: Users can only copy content from an isolated website to the remote clipboard. Users cannot copy content out of the remote browser to the local clipboard. You can use this setting alongside Paste (from client to remote): Allow only within isolated browser to only allow copy-pasting between isolated websites.
- Do not allow: Prohibits users from copying content from an isolated website.
flowchart LR subgraph client[Client] localclip["Local clipboard"] end subgraph remotebrowser[Remote browser] remoteclip["Remote clipboard"]-->siteA["Isolated website"] end localclip--Data-->remoteclip
- Allow: (Default) Users can paste content from their local clipboard to an isolated website.
- Allow only within isolated browser: Users can only paste content from the remote clipboard to an isolated website. Users cannot paste content from their local clipboard to the remote browser. You can use this setting alongside Copy (from remote to client): Allow only within isolated browser to only allow copy-pasting between isolated websites.
- Do not allow: Prohibits users from pasting content into an isolated website.
- Allow: (Default) User can download files from an isolated website to their local machine.
- Do not allow: Prohibits users from downloading files from an isolated website to their local machine.
- Allow: (Default) Users can upload files from their local machine into an isolated website.
- Do not allow: Prohibits users from uploading files from their local machine into an isolated website.
- Allow: (Default) Users can perform keyboard inputs into an isolated website.
- Do not allow: Prohibits users from performing keyboard inputs into an isolated website.
- Allow: (Default) Users can print isolated web pages to their local machine.
- Do not allow: Prohibits users from printing isolated web pages to their local machine.
Isolate security threats such as malware and phishing.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Security Categories | in | All security risks | Isolate |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Isolate all security threats", "description": "Isolate security threats such as malware and phishing", "enabled": true, "action": "isolate", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(http.request.uri.security_category[*] in {68 178 80 83 176 175 117 131 134 151 153})", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Isolate high risk content categories such as newly registered domains.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Content Categories | in | Security Risks | Isolate |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Isolate high risk content", "description": "Isolate high risk content categories such as newly registered domains", "enabled": true, "action": "isolate", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(http.request.uri.content_category[*] in {32 169 177 128})", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Isolate news and media sites, which are targets for malvertising attacks.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Content Categories | in | News and Media | Isolate |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Isolate news and media", "description": "Isolate news and media sites, which are targets for malvertising attacks", "enabled": true, "action": "isolate", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(http.request.uri.content_category[*] in {122})", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Isolate content that has not been categorized by Cloudflare Radar.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Content Categories | not in | All content categories | Isolate |
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Isolate uncategorized content", "description": "Isolate content not categorized by Cloudflare Radar", "enabled": true, "action": "isolate", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "not(any(http.request.uri.content_category[*] in {2 67 125 133 3 75 183 89 182 6 90 91 144 150 7 70 74 76 79 92 96 100 106 107 116 120 121 122 127 139 156 164 99 9 101 137 10 103 146 11 12 77 98 108 110 111 118 126 129 172 168 113 33 179 166 15 115 119 124 141 161 17 85 87 102 157 135 138 180 162 140 142 32 169 177 128 22 73 82 88 148 23 24 181 71 72 173 78 84 86 94 97 104 105 114 174 93 130 132 136 147 149 154 158 152 26 69 184 81 95 109 123 145 155 159 160 163 165 167}))", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
Isolate the use of ChatGPT.
Selector | Operator | Value | Action |
Application | in | ChatGPT | Isolate |
In Configure policy settings, you can customize restrictions for ChatGPT. For example, to prevent your users from inputting sensitive information, you can select Disable copy / paste and Disable file uploads.
curl$ACCOUNT_ID/gateway/rule \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--header "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \--data '{ "name": "Isolate ChatGPT", "description": "Isolate the use of ChatGPT", "enabled": true, "action": "isolate", "filters": [ "http" ], "traffic": "any(app.ids[*] in {1199})", "identity": "", "device_posture": ""}'
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