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Add BCC rules

  1. Log in to the Google Admin Console.
  2. On the sidebar, go to Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail > Compliance.
  3. Go to Content Compliance > Select Edit.
  4. Add a Content Compliance filter, and name it Email Security - BCC.
  5. In Email messages to affect, select Inbound.
  6. Select the recipients you want to send emails to Email Security via BCC. Under Add expressions that describe the content you want to search for in each message:
    • Select If ANY of the following match the message.
    • Select Add to configure the expression.
      • Select Advanced content match.
      • In Location, select Headers + Body.
      • In Match type, select Matches regex.
      • In Regexp, input .*. You can customize the regex as needed and test within the admin page or on sites like Regexr.
      • Select SAVE.
  7. In If the above expressions match, do the following:
    • Select Modify message.
      • Ensure that Envelope recipient > Change envelope recipient is unselected, so that emails will not be dropped as an unintended consequence. You will select this option at a later stage.
      • Go to Also deliver to, select Add more recipients > ADD > Choose Advanced:
        • Under Envelope recipient, select Change envelope recipient > Replace recipient > Enter the email of the recipient.
        • Under Spam and delivery options, select Suppress bounces from this recipient.
        • Under Headers, select Add X-Gm-Spam and X-Gm-Phishy headers.
        • Select SAVE.
  8. In Account types to affect, select Users and Groups.
  9. Select SAVE.