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Cloudflare Docs


This guide covers how to deploy the Cloudflare WARP client using Fleet device management software.


1. Create a custom MDM file

  1. Download an example .mobileconfig file.
  2. Modify the file with your desired deployment parameters.

2. Upload MDM file to Fleet

  1. In the Fleet admin console, go to Controls.
  2. From the Teams dropdown, select the team (group of hosts) that requires Cloudflare WARP.
  3. Select OS settings > Custom settings.
  4. Select Add profile and upload the custom .mobileconfig.
  5. Select the hosts which require Cloudflare WARP:
    • All hosts: Deploys WARP to all hosts in the team.
    • Custom: Deploys WARP to a subset of the hosts in the team. Use labels to define the hosts that should be included or excluded.
  6. Select Add profile.

The defined hosts will immediately receive the deployment profile, but WARP is not yet installed.

3. Download WARP package for macOS

Visit the Download page to review system requirements and download the installer for your operating system.

4. Upload WARP package to Fleet

To add the WARP client installer package for distribution to your hosts enrolled in Fleet:

  1. In the Fleet admin console, go to Software.
  2. From the Teams dropdown, select the team (group of hosts) that requires Cloudflare WARP.
  3. Select Add Software and upload the .pkg file that was previously downloaded.

5. Install WARP with Fleet

To deploy the uploaded .pkg file to your hosts:

  1. In the Fleet admin console, go to Hosts.
  2. Select the host that requires the WARP client.
  3. Go to Software and search for Cloudflare.
  4. Select Actions > Install.

Installation will happen automatically when the host comes online. To deploy with REST API or GitOps, refer to the Fleet documentation.

6. Uninstall WARP with Fleet

To uninstall the Fleet-deployed WARP client:

  1. In the Fleet admin console, go to Hosts.
  2. Select the host that requires the WARP client to be uninstalled.
  3. Go to Software and search for Cloudflare.
  4. Select Actions > Uninstall.


1. Download WARP package for Windows

Visit the Download page to review system requirements and download the installer for your operating system.

2. Upload WARP package to Fleet

To add the WARP client installer package for distribution to your hosts enrolled in Fleet:

  1. In the Fleet admin console, go to Software.
  2. From the Teams dropdown, select the team (group of hosts) that requires Cloudflare WARP.
  3. Select Add Software and upload the .msi file that was previously downloaded.
  4. (Optional) To allow users to install WARP from Fleet Desktop, select Self-service.
  5. Select Advanced options.
  6. In Install script, replace the default script with the following:
Terminal window
$logFile = "${env:TEMP}/fleet-install-software.log"
try {
$installProcess = Start-Process msiexec.exe `
-ArgumentList "/quiet /norestart ORGANIZATION=your-team-name SUPPORT_URL= /lv ${logFile} /i `"${env:INSTALLER_PATH}`"" `
-PassThru -Verb RunAs -Wait
Get-Content $logFile -Tail 500
Exit $installProcess.ExitCode
} catch {
Write-Host "Error: $_"
Exit 1

Refer to deployment parameters for a description of each argument.

3. Install WARP with Fleet

To deploy the uploaded .pkg file to your hosts:

  1. In the Fleet admin console, go to Hosts.
  2. Select the host that requires the WARP client.
  3. Go to Software and search for Cloudflare.
  4. Select Actions > Install.

Installation will happen automatically when the host comes online. To deploy with REST API or GitOps, refer to the Fleet documentation.

4. Uninstall WARP with Fleet

To uninstall the Fleet-deployed WARP client:

  1. In the Fleet admin console, go to Hosts.
  2. Select the host that requires the WARP client to be uninstalled.
  3. Go to Software and search for Cloudflare.
  4. Select Actions > Uninstall.


Fleet allows you to execute custom scripts on Linux hosts. The following example script creates an MDM file and installs WARP on an Ubuntu 22.04 host:

# Write the mdm.xml file
touch /var/lib/cloudflare-warp/mdm.xml
echo -e "<dict>\n <key>organization</key>\n <string>your-team-name</string>\n</dict>
" > /var/lib/cloudflare-warp/mdm.xml
# Add cloudflare gpg key
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --yes --dearmor --output /usr/share/keyrings/cloudflare-warp-archive-keyring.gpg
# Add this repo to your apt repositories
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cloudflare-warp-archive-keyring.gpg] any main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudflare-client.list
# Install
sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y install cloudflare-warp

To install WARP on other Linux distributions, refer to the package repository.