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Create and deploy Workers from Git repositories

Feb 07, 2025, 12:00 AM
Import repo or choose template

You can now create a Worker by:

  • Importing a Git repository: Choose an existing Git repo on your GitHub/GitLab account and set up Workers Builds to deploy your Worker.
  • Deploying a template with Git: Choose from a brand new selection of production ready examples to help you get started with popular frameworks like Astro, Remix and Next or build stateful applications with Cloudflare resources like D1 databases, Workers AI or Durable Objects! When you're ready to deploy, Cloudflare will set up your project by cloning the template to your GitHub/GitLab account, provisioning any required resources and deploying your Worker.

With every push to your chosen branch, Cloudflare will automatically build and deploy your Worker.

To get started, go to the Workers dashboard.

These new features are available today in the Cloudflare dashboard to a subset of Cloudflare customers, and will be coming to all customers in the next few weeks. Don't see it in your dashboard, but want early access? Add your Cloudflare Account ID to this form.