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Endpoint labeling service

API Shield's labeling service will help you organize your endpoints and address vulnerabilities in your API. The labeling service comes with managed and user-defined labels.

Today, managed labels are useful for organizing endpoints by use case. In a future release, managed labels will automatically label endpoints by use case and those with informative or security risks, alerting you on endpoints that need attention.

User-defined labels can also be added to endpoints in API Shield by creating a label and adding it to an individual endpoint or multiple endpoints. User-defined labels will be useful for organizing your endpoints by owner, version, or type.

You can filter your endpoints based on the labels.

Managed labels

cf-log-in: Add this label to endpoints that accept user credentials. You may have multiple endpoints if you accept username, password, and multi-factor authentication (MFA) across multiple endpoints or requests.

cf-sign-up: Add this label to endpoints that are the final step in creating user accounts for your site or application.

cf-content: Add this label to endpoints that provide unique content, such as product details, user reviews, pricing, or other unique information.

cf-purchase: Add this label to endpoints that are the final step in purchasing goods or services online.

cf-password-reset: Add this label to endpoints that participate in the user password reset process. This includes initial password reset requests and final password reset submissions.

cf-add-cart: Add this label to endpoints that add items to a user's shopping cart or verify item availability.

cf-add-payment: Add this label to endpoints that accept credit card or bank account details where fraudsters may iterate through account numbers to guess valid combinations of payment information.

cf-check-value: Add this label to endpoints that check the balance of rewards points, in-game currency, or other stored value products that can be earned, transferred, and redeemed for cash or physical goods.

cf-add-post: Add this label to endpoints that post messages in a communication forum, or product or merchant reviews.

cf-account-update: Add this label to endpoints that participate in user account or profile updates.

cf-rss-feed: Add this label to endpoints that expect traffic from RSS clients.

cf-risk-missing-auth: Automatically added when all successful requests lack a session identifier. Refer to the table below for more information.

cf-risk-mixed-auth: Automatically added when some successful requests contain a session identifier and some successful requests lack a session identifier. Refer to the table below for more information.

cf-risk-sensitive: Automatically added to endpoints when HTTP responses match the WAF's Sensitive Data Detection ruleset.

cf-risk-missing-schema: Automatically added when a learned schema is available for an endpoint that has no active schema.

cf-risk-error-anomaly: Automatically added when an endpoint experiences a recent increase in response errors over the last 24 hours.

cf-risk-latency-anomaly: Automatically added when an endpoint experiences a recent increase in response latency over the last 24 hours.

cf-risk-size-anomaly: Automatically added when an endpoint experiences a spike in response body size over the last 24 hours.

Description2xx response codes4xx, 5xx response codes
If all requests are missing authentication, Cloudflare will apply the label:cf-missing-authWithout successful responses, no label will be added.
If only some requests are missing authentication, Cloudflare will apply the label:cf-mixed-authWithout successful responses, no label will be added.

Create a label

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account and domain.
  2. Go to Security > Settings > Labels.
  3. Under Security labels, select Create label.
  4. Name the label and add an optional label description.
  5. Apply the label to your selected endpoints.
  6. Select Create label.

Alternatively, you can create a user-defined label via Endpoint Management in API Shield.

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account and domain.
  2. Go to Security > Settings > Labels.
  3. Choose the endpoint that you want to label.
  4. Select Edit labels.
  5. Under User, select Create user label.
  6. Enter the label name.
  7. Select Create.

Apply a label to an individual endpoint

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account and domain.
  2. Go to Security > API Shield > Endpoint Management.
  3. Choose the endpoint that you want to label.
  4. Select Edit labels.
  5. Add the label(s) that you want to use for the endpoint from the list of managed and user-defined labels.
  6. Select Save labels.

Bulk apply labels to multiple endpoints

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account and domain.
  2. Go to Security > Settings > Labels.
  3. On the existing label that you want to apply to multiple endpoints, select Bulk apply.
  4. Choose the endpoints that you want to label by selecting its checkbox.
  5. Select Save label.


Endpoint Management's labeling service is currently available to Enterprise API Shield subscribers.