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Header Glossary

AI Gateway supports a variety of headers to help you configure, customize, and manage your API requests. This page provides a complete list of all supported headers, along with a short description

Term Definition

Header to customize the backoff type for request retries of a request.


The cf-aig-cache-key-aig-cache-key let you override the default cache key in order to precisely set the cacheability setting for any resource.


Status indicator for caching, showing if a request was served from cache.


Specifies the cache time-to-live for responses.


The cf-aig-collect-log header allows you to bypass the default log setting for the gateway.


Allows the customization of request cost to reflect user-defined parameters.


cf-aig-event-id is a unique identifier for an event, used to trace specific events through the system.


The cf-aig-log-id is a unique identifier for the specific log entry to which you want to add feedback.


Header to customize the number of max attempts for request retries of a request.


Custom metadataallows you to tag requests with user IDs or other identifiers, enabling better tracking and analysis of your requests.


Header to trigger a fallback provider based on a predetermined response time (measured in milliseconds).


Header to customize the retry delay for request retries of a request.


Header to bypass caching for a specific request.


cf-aig-step identifies the processing step in the AI Gateway flow for better tracking and debugging.


Deprecated: This header is replaced by cf-aig-cache-ttl. It specifies cache time-to-live.


Deprecated: This header is replaced by cf-aig-skip-cache. It bypasses caching for a specific request.

Configuration hierarchy

Settings in AI Gateway can be configured at three levels: Provider, Request, and Gateway. Since the same settings can be configured in multiple locations, the following hierarchy determines which value is applied:

  1. Provider-level headers: Relevant only when using the Universal Endpoint, these headers take precedence over all other configurations.
  2. Request-level headers: Apply if no provider-level headers are set.
  3. Gateway-level settings: Act as the default if no headers are set at the provider or request levels.

This hierarchy ensures consistent behavior, prioritizing the most specific configurations. Use provider-level and request-level headers for more fine-tuned control, and gateway settings for general defaults.