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Testing your Agents

Because Agents run on Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects, they can be tested using the same tools and techniques as Workers and Durable Objects.

Writing and running tests


Before you write your first test, install the necessary packages:

Terminal window
npm install vitest@~3.0.0 --save-dev --save-exact
npm install @cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers --save-dev

Ensure that your vitest.config.js file is identical to the following:

import { defineWorkersConfig } from "@cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers/config";
export default defineWorkersConfig({
test: {
poolOptions: {
workers: {
wrangler: { configPath: "./wrangler.toml" },

Add the Agent configuration

Add a durableObjects configuration to vitest.config.js with the name of your Agent class:

import { defineWorkersConfig } from '@cloudflare/vitest-pool-workers/config';
export default defineWorkersConfig({
test: {
poolOptions: {
workers: {
main: './src/index.ts',
miniflare: {
durableObjects: {
NAME: 'MyAgent',

Write a test

Tests use the vitest framework. A basic test suite for your Agent can validate how your Agent responds to requests, but can also unit test your Agent's methods and state.

import { env, createExecutionContext, waitOnExecutionContext, SELF } from 'cloudflare:test';
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import worker from '../src';
import { Env } from '../src';
interface ProvidedEnv extends Env {}
describe('make a request to my Agent', () => {
// Unit testing approach
it('responds with state', async () => {
// Provide a valid URL that your Worker can use to route to your Agent
// If you are using routeAgentRequest, this will be /agent/:agent/:name
const request = new Request<unknown, IncomingRequestCfProperties>('');
const ctx = createExecutionContext();
const response = await worker.fetch(request, env, ctx);
await waitOnExecutionContext(ctx);
expect(await response.text()).toMatchObject({ hello: 'from your agent' });
it('also responds with state', async () => {
const request = new Request('');
const response = await SELF.fetch(request);
expect(await response.text()).toMatchObject({ hello: 'from your agent' });

Run tests

Running tests is done using the vitest CLI:

Terminal window
$ npm run test
# or run vitest directly
$ npx vitest
should return a greeting (1 ms)
Test Files 1 passed (1)

Review the documentation on testing for additional examples and test configuration.

Running Agents locally

You can also run an Agent locally using the wrangler CLI:

Terminal window
$ npx wrangler dev
Your Worker and resources are simulated locally via Miniflare. For more information, see:
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- Durable Objects:
- MyAgent: MyAgent
Starting local server...
[wrangler:inf] Ready on http://localhost:53645

This spins up a local development server that runs the same runtime as Cloudflare Workers, and allows you to iterate on your Agent's code and test it locally without deploying it.

Visit the wrangler dev docs to review the CLI flags and configuration options.