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Cloudflare Zero Trust
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Global policies

Cloudflare Zero Trust applies a set of global policies to all accounts.

Zero Trust logs prepend an identifier to global policy names. For example, matches for the global policy Allow Zero Trust Services will appear in your logs with the name Global Policy - Allow Zero Trust Services.

The following policies are sorted by order of precedence.

​​ Network proxy policies

Allow CF Network Error Logging L400000001-e4af-4b82-8f8c-c79c1d5d212eHostname*.nel.cloudflare.comallowAllows SNI domains for WARP registration.
Allow CF Client00000001-8c3d-4e27-a01b-af8418000077Hostname*.cloudflareclient.comallowAllows Zero Trust client.
Allow Gateway Proxy PAC00000001-776e-438d-9856-987d7053762bHostname*.cloudflare-gateway.comallowAllows Gateway proxy with PAC files.
Allow Zero Trust,,,,,, and one.dash.cloudflare.comallowAllows Cloudflare Zero Trust services.
Allow Access Apps L400000001-daa2-41e2-8a88-698af4066951Hostname*.cloudflareaccess.comallowAllows Cloudflare Access applications.

​​ HTTP inspection policies

Prevent Account Change Block00000001-d1f2-461a-8253-501c8d882a15Hostname*.cloudflareclient.combypassEnsures users cannot accidentally block themselves from making account changes.
Bypass RBI Assets00000001-df61-4068-aa6c-0f684c3cd4e6Hostname*.assets.browser.runbypassRequired for Browser Isolation.
Inspect RBI Urls00000001-3faa-4f59-98d4-0f6d6af4b6d0Hostname* and *.cloudflarebrowser.combypassRequired for Browser Isolation.
Allow Gateway Help Page00000001-8e9a-4429-b3c2-d267d0ce6114Hostnamehelp.teams.cloudflare.comallowUsed by the WARP client to check if Gateway is on by inspecting the certificate and checking if it is properly installed on the client device.
Bypass Gateway DNS00000001-d9c0-46b0-8704-2ea5b9d7bdfcHostname*.cloudflare-gateway.combypassEnsures requests to the DNS endpoint will not be inspected.
Bypass CF Status00000001-5399-4b71-a9fc-d4d90ccf0758Hostname*.cloudflarestatus.combypassBypasses so users can reach the status page in case of a Gateway outage.
Bypass CF Network Error Logging00000001-dfe0-4737-8d1e-8191e8f637dfHostname*.nel.cloudflare.combypassBypasses * for Cloudflare’s network error logging feature.
Bypass CF API00000001-a424-43fb-b1f1-d3eb35ed7dddHostnameapi.cloudflare.combypassBypasses Cloudflare’s API endpoint.
Prevent ZT Dashboard Lockout00000001-d38e-42db-96fe-60613b6b308fHostnamedash.teams.cloudflare.combypassPrevents users from being locked out of the Zero Trust dashboard.
Bypass CF Dashboard00000001-d343-4ded-908e-b3fe43c5e61eHostname*.dash.cloudflare.combypassBypasses the Cloudflare dashboard and subdomains.
Bypass Zero Trust Captive Portal,, and cloudflarecp.combypassBypasses the Zero Trust captive portal detection sites.
Bypass OCSP00000001-34ce-47c7-ad0f-199f46eba194ApplicationOnline Certificate Status ProtocolbypassEnables OCSP stapling.
Allow Access Apps L700000001-8d6b-4951-8a18-3bbc9010976cHostname*.cloudflareaccess.comallowAllows Cloudflare Access applications.
Prevent Block Page Loop00000001-48b1-4ade-93c1-f0f3759dc19cHostnameblocked.teams.cloudflare.combypassPrevents an infinite loop on the Gateway block page.
Always Blocked Categories00000001-bed5-462e-b0f1-2e2c3555e9f7Content CategoryChild AbuseblockBlocks child abuse materials.
Don’t Isolate RBI Help and help.cloudflarebrowser.comnoisolatePrevents browser isolation of Cloudflare developer docs and help pages to help users troubleshoot configuration issues.
Don’t AV Scan CF Speed00000001-c194-408f-87dd-9a366ce76e12Hostnamespeed.cloudflare.comnoscanAllows files transferred by the Cloudflare speed test.